7 Times You Should Go To A Primary Care Provider

A primary care doctor could become one of your best lifelines if you ever find yourself in a situation where you are living with consistent pain.

Are you uncomfortable? Are you in pain but uncertain what kind of doctor you should be seeing? These are the times when your first step should be to contact a primary care provider.

You Have a Fever

If you have a fever that lasts for more than three days, see your doctor. This is especially important if the fever is getting higher. A prolonged fever may be a sign of infection, and you may need antibiotics or additional treatment.

Your Stomach Hurts

Acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion are all common problems that can cause stomach pain. However, if you have severe stomach pain that is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, or rectal bleeding, you should see your primary care doctor right away.

Your Head Hurts Constantly

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, and they can usually be treated with over-the-counter medication. However, if you have a headache that is severe or lasts for more than a few days, you should see your doctor to rule out other causes, such as a sinus infection.

You Have a Rash

A rash can be a sign of anything from an allergic reaction to a viral infection. If you have a rash that is accompanied by fever, chills, or body aches, you should see your doctor right away. A rash could indicate a serious condition, such as measles or chickenpox.

Your Breathing Has Changed

If you are having difficulty breathing or if your breathing has become labored, see your doctor. This is especially important if you have a chronic lung condition, such as asthma or COPD. If the condition worsens, you may need the emergency room.

You Are Coughing a Lot

If you are coughing a lot, see your doctor right away. This could be a sign of a serious condition, such as pneumonia, or it could indicate something like strep throat.

Some Part of Your Face Hurts

Facial pain could be a sign of an infection. If you are having any type of facial pain you aren't able to explain, you should schedule an appointment. If you think you may have had a stroke and it is causing pain, go to the emergency room.

Make Your Appointment ASAP

If you experience any of the symptoms on this list, it's time to schedule an appointment with a primary care provider. You can rest assured that this is the best move for your health and wellness. 

Visit a primary care center for more info. 
