What to Expect After Knee Replacement Surgery

If you need knee replacement surgery, you've probably been in intense pain for quite some time. If you're finally having this surgery, the last thing you want is to end up back in surgery because you've reinjured yourself, or injured yourself in some other way because you weren't doing what you were supposed to according to your doctor's orders. You should know what to expect with your knee surgery, but you also need to be aware of what is going to happen after surgery as well. Read on for some helpful information.

You'll Have to Move

You can't just sit all of the time after your surgery and expect to heal properly and be back to yourself. You have to do some work on your own and get moving. You'll need to get up and walk or go to physical therapy if it was ordered to heal properly and for your knee to get back to moving the way it should. You're nurses and doctor will have you up and moving immediately after your surgery, and although you need some rest too, you're also going to have to move the knee as well. 

You May Need Assistance 

You may need assistance in the form of crutches or a walker or even a cane depending on what your ability is. You're also going to need to have assistance in other ways as well, such as with help around the house or getting from point A to point B. You may not be able to drive for a bit, and you'll need help getting where you need to go. Overdoing it or driving before you're supposed to could end up getting you hurt, or someone else could get hurt. Ask for help when needed and don't try to do too much.

You Need To Report Issues

Be sure if you are feeling anything out of the ordinary, such as pain in other parts of the body, or your other leg after surgery, that you report it to your surgeon and your physician. If you are relying too much on your other leg, you could end up injuring your other knee or leg. You could also be walking differently and the change in your gait could cause other problems such as hip issues or back problems. Report any other pain to your physician/surgeon.

If you are going to be having knee replacement surgery, be sure to discuss what to expect after your surgery to prevent re-injury or other issues.
