Enlarged Labia During Pregnancy? Your Obstetrician Can Help

The labia serve an important function: to protect your vagina and clitoris from the outside world. When you become pregnant, you notice that your body changes a bit. For some women, these changes can extend to the labia. Labia can grow larger, leading to serious discomfort.

When you feel discomfort, whether it is existing or new, in your underwear, it could be caused by labial hypertrophy. This problem can become more prominent in pregnancy, prompting you to visit the OB.

What Is Labial Hypertrophy?

Labial hypertrophy is the enlargement of the labia, the outer part of the vulva. You may not realize you have labial hypertrophy, as the symptoms can be subtle. It may begin with irritation or pain when you exercise to painful sexual intercourse and chronic infections. Some women do not experience the issue until after childbirth.

What Causes Labial Hypertrophy?

There is no specific cause for labial hypertrophy in many cases. Some women always have labial hypertrophy, and others have it only during pregnancy. While those who always have it may have the condition linked to genetics, pregnant women may experience this issue because more blood flows to the labia, making them somewhat larger.

When it comes to labial hypertrophy, the change does not need to be very big in order for you to feel the change. Any change in labia size can be uncomfortable.

How Can You Get Diagnosed?

Your obstetrician can take a look at your labia to determine why you might feel uncomfortable. Often, the issue is diagnosed simply by looking at the labia and listening to you describe the symptoms you're feeling.

What Treatment Is Available?

Your labia can change a bit during pregnancy and birth, and treatment is not always necessary. In some cases, you may need to wait for pregnancy to end. If the problem persists after pregnancy and childbirth, you may consider labiaplasty.

In the meantime, you may want some options for dealing with the issue during pregnancy. Wearing cotton underwear and pads may be helpful for some women. In other cases, you may need to avoid exercise and other vigorous activity that might cause friction and irritation. Your doctor can provide other options.

What Should You Do?

If you experience any discomfort or pain around your labia, your OB, like those at Northwest Community Health Center and other locations, can help. Make an appointment with your OB today to make sure that your pregnancy is safe and healthy. Your feeling of heaviness or irritation could be caused by something else, so seeing your OB is important.
