3 Things To Expect During Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Just like women, the reproductive hormone levels of a man decline as he gets older. However, there can be some situations when a male will need testosterone replacement therapy because the levels of this gonadal hormone get too low. Low testosterone levels can lead to sexual dysfunction, lack of energy, and even depression for some men, but thanks to modern medicine, the condition is easy to treat with synthetic hormone solutions. If you are going to a health care clinic for testosterone replacement therapy, it is best if you know what to expect. Here is a look at some of the things you can expect while undergoing testosterone replacement treatment with a medical provider. 

1. Expect to have a full physical before the therapy.  

Before a doctor determines that you are a good patient candidate for testosterone replacement therapy, they will perform a complete physical. Testosterone can bring along with it some side effects and risks that can be dangerous for some males. For example, a male who has issues with their cardiovascular system may not be a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.  

2. Expect your testosterone levels to be checked on a regular basis.

During testosterone therapy, your doctor will likely order blood tests on a regular basis to monitor serum levels and free testosterone levels in the blood. These tests help the doctor see how synthetic testosterone is being accepted by your body. You can expect your dosage levels to be adjusted based on the results of these blood tests. Even though these tests can be a bit of a nuisance, they are done to ensure you are not getting too much of the testosterone replacement drug to generate health risks or concerns. 

3. Expect to see the practitioner on a regular basis. 

Testosterone is a schedule III controlled substance in the United States because it has a high potential for abuse and misuse. Therefore, most doctors will require you to come in every month to monitor your testosterone use and give you a new prescription. Injectable testosterone agents will likely be given to you in the office instead of being prescribed to you to take home. Before being prescribed the medication, you may even be required to sign a controlled substance agreement. 

Testosterone replacement can be an all-out lifesaver for some men who have lower hormone levels than they should. Reach out to a health care clinic for more information about testosterone replacement therapy.
