3 Great Care Treatments For Painful Hemorrhoids

Having hemorrhoids can cause you excruciating pain. This is when the veins in your rectum become inflamed or swollen. If you're currently struggling with this condition, these care treatments will prove beneficial in alleviating your pain. 

Sitz Bath 

If you're looking for a home remedy to hemorrhoids, doctors often recommend placing your bottom area in warm water periodically throughout the day. Probably the easiest way of doing this without getting your entire boy wet is to use a sitz bath.

This bowel-like device secures onto your toilet, where you'll have an easier time resting your bottom in the bowel filled with warm water. You can generally find these baths at medical supply stores. Just make sure you select the right bath size, as not all toilets will have the same dimensions. These sitz baths are extremely effective at alleviating hemorrhoid pain after a bowel movement.

Psyllium Husk 

There are plenty of natural supplements you can take to help reduce hemorrhoid pain, but one of the best is psyllium husk. This supplement is readily available at natural health stores and is designed to increase your fiber intake.

Although this won't cure your hemorrhoids outright, it can help loosen up your stools. You then won't be in as much pain every time you have to go to the bathroom, even with a hemorrhoid flare-up. For optimal results, take this natural supplement as directed by the instructions. Failing to do so could cause stomach cramping and excessive gas.


If you're looking for a more permanent solution to hemorrhoids, undergoing a hemorrhoidectomy surgical procedure may be the best option. During this operation, a surgeon will make small cuts around the anus to remove any hemorrhoids that are present. You'll typically be given local anesthesia, but you'll be conscious while the surgeon makes their cuts. 

The great thing about this surgical procedure is it can be completed relatively quickly. You should be able to go home within the same day; you'll just need to keep an eye on your stitches. Being in slight pain is perfectly normal, but to facilitate your recovery, it's recommended to limit the amount of movement you do for several weeks. 

Dealing with hemorrhoids can take its toll on you physically and emotionally. If they've become a chronic problem, take the right care steps immediately. Only then will you find fast relief and be able to live a normal life again. 
